New Features TRIRIGA Users Need for Reporting (v.1.16)

Product Releases
January 11, 2022

It’s 2022! A time to reflect on the achievements and hiccups of last year, set a resolution or two, and be hopeful for the year and possibilities to come!

Chatting amongst the TRIRIGA community, we have heard you have exciting initiatives planned for this New Year:  

  • Prioritizing data quality and tackling data clean-up
  • Upgrading TRIRIGA platforms and applications
  • Introducing new modules and integrations to TRIRIGA – like space planning and IBM’s TRIRIGA Building Insights

Like you, we too have been preparing for 2022. There are big plans for Kurve’s Product Roadmap with new features and products coming your way (be sure to make your way towards the end of this post for a teaser of what’s to come)!

We are getting ahead of ourselves! Let’s talk about the newest version of Kurve – Version 1.16 – and how you can start off the year with new features to help make reporting on your TRIRIGA data even more intuitive and compelling!

Click on a feature below to jump right to, or scroll and read on:

  1. Designate Background Colors for Row Groups: Make your summarized data stand out with pops of color and patterns
  1. Save Validation Enhancements: Prompts to ensure you never lose your unsaved changes and customizations to graphs and reports  
  1. Expanded Reset Settings for Reports: Unformat all columns including Word Wrapping, Table Resizing, etc.  

1. Designate Background Colors for Row Groups

A compelling visualization will likely use color to help tell a story with the data. That is why we are drawn to certain graphs and can easily derive insights with the use of Custom Color Columns in reports.  

With this release of Kurve, you can also use a color or pattern to highlight your grouped and aggregated rows of data! This works whether you have one level of grouping or multiple - each level can have its own unique color or pattern. Simply use a hex code, RGB, or select from the Color Picker.  

Don’t believe us? Look at the contrast in readability and visual appeal of your Kurve report when using a background color for your aggregated row:

What is grouping and aggregating?

As part of your company’s return to office plan, you’ve been given the task of determining the total number of desks spaces available for each of the different floors and buildings your company leases.  

Instead of doing this the old-fashioned way with pen and paper, or exporting your TRIRIGA data out of the system and using functions or code in a third-party tool, you can more easily determine the total number of desks using ‘groups and aggregations’ in a Kurve report.  

Grouping and aggregating is a technique used to summarize and analyze data quickly and easily.  

When grouping, you are selecting a field to organize the data based on criteria – usually unique values that occur within the column.

For example, compare this data before and after grouping:  

Aggregating is performing a mathematical operation to summarize your then grouped data.  

For example, the aggregated data shows the sum of all the values in this grouping:

In a Kurve report, there are a variety of aggregations to use, including:

  • Average: Computes the sum of all the values divided by the total number of values
  • Count: Outputs the number of all records
  • Distinct: Outputs the number of unique records
  • First: Outputs the first value of a group
  • Last: Outputs the last value of a group
  • Max: Outputs the highest observed value  
  • Median: Outputs the ‘middle’ observed value  
  • Min: Outputs the lowest observed value
  • Sum: Computes the total of all values in a group

How do I use grouping and aggregating in a Kurve Report?

As an end-user, it’s easy to select which column(s) to group by selecting the hamburger menu (icon) to the right of the Column Header and selecting ‘Group by’.  

You can ‘Group by’ as many columns as you would like. As a space planner needing to check availability of desks, you can group by Building, Floor, and Occupancy Status.  

Make your way to a column you would like to summarize, select the hamburger menu again, and select Value Aggregation as well as the function. You want to know the total available spaces so let’s sum Capacity.

How easy was that?! No need to write a function or code to perform the aggregation. Now when you look at your report, you can easy scan the data and see the total number of available spaces by building and floor.  

The final touch is to use a background color or pattern for those grouped rows and aggregations to help consumers of this report derive insights quicker.  

Now that’s one useful and compelling report!  

2. ‘Save’ Validation Enhancements

While we all try our best to ‘save’ as often as we can, we are human, and we all sometimes forget to click that button. Save validations exist so you don’t have to re-do your work over and over.

In this release, two (2) enhanced ‘save’ validations have been added to save you valuable time:  

  1. Trigger for unsaved changes when exiting a report: You might be in a report interacting with the data and you make unsaved changes – maybe you filter on a column, word-wrap, or drag & drop a column to a new place within the report. If you attempt to leave that report, a trigger will warn you that there are unsaved changes and give you an opportunity to do something about it.  

  1. Trigger for unsaved changes when copying a report: A similar situation exists when you are in a report interacting with the data, but this time you attempt to copy a report with unsaved changes. Instead of starting having to start from scratch in the copied version, a trigger will prompt you to ‘Save and Copy’ or ‘Copy without changes.’  

3. Expanded Reset Settings for Reports

The quickest and most efficient way to go back to your original Kurve Report is to reset the columns.  

Rather than individually updating every column, do a mass reset of all columns at once using the ‘Reset Columns’ button in the report’s settings to remove:  

  • Word wrapping,  
  • Table Resizing, in addition to
  • Grouping and aggregations,
  • Column Width adjustments,  
  • Drag and drop reorder of columns

What can you expect from KURVE in 2022?!

With a New Year, comes an exciting Kurve Roadmap for the year ahead! New features and products are coming your way that will forever change the way you report on your TRIRIGA data:  

A quick disclaimer: The Kurve Roadmap teasers we are about to share are for informational purposes only and is subject to change or delay at the sole discretion of Tjene and Kurve Solutions.

Alrighty, with the legal stuff out of the way, let’s jump right in!  

Kurve Layouts: A revolutionary way to view and interact with 2+ charts at once!      

Imagine an app that allows you to design and interact with multiple Kurve visualizations on one page without the need of TRIRIGA Portal Sections or an Admins help…

Imagine no more, Kurve Layouts is slotted to join Kurve’s product suite this year!

  • Easily create layouts without the need of a TRIRIGA Admin or Portal Section  
  • Resize and drag-and-drop charts to your heart’s content, unlike TRIRIGA’s five (5) predefined templates  
  • Eliminate the business cycles it takes for Admins to create TRIRIGA Portal Sections, copy Kurve Portal URLs, assigning users Portal Sections, etc.  

Want to be one of the first to know when Kurve Layouts makes landfall? An exclusive offer will be given to those who sign up here.  

Multi-Chart Types: Overlay multiple charts in 1 Kurve Graph

Do you have two different types of data that you would like to show in one chart? Perhaps you want to know the count of unassigned work tasks by type and the sum of how much these tasks are expected to cost.  

This can be accomplished with a multi-chart!  

Imagine a bar chart showing the number of unassigned work tasks by task type and a line chart showing how much each task type is projected to cost the company.  

With multi-chart types, each measure can have a different axis and its own graph settings. Let your data tell the story!  


Pivot Tables, Graph Line Settings, and More!

You will just have to wait and see the rest for yourself. While you patiently anticipate the next release, don’t forget to subscribe to Kurve’s Email List for updates, tips, and more!  

Wishing you all a healthy and happy start to the New Year!  

Till next time.

Are You Using The Right Tool? 2 Steps To Get Your Reporting Strategy On Track

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